What We Do


1. Write

As a family, we sit down the dining room table and Mom or Dad hand-writes a personal notes to include with the Bible. Our boys provide many suggestions or sometimes they just repeat “Dear Neighbor” over and over again. We hope that the handwritten note resonates with its reader.


2. Pray

As a family, we pray for each person, family, and household that this Bible will reach. We pray that those who do not know Jesus as their savior will come to know him quickly. We pray that those who have met him but are not following Him will quickly return. We pray that those who are hurting will find comfort, love, rest, and peace from the true Source of Life.


3. Pack

As a family, we fold the handwritten note and place it in the Bible at Matthew 13:44. Working down the address list for our zipcode, either Mom or Dad addresses the mailer and seals the Bible inside. Our boys then take turns carefully placing stamps at the corner.

See What It Takes —>